(forthcoming) 2020, September | Berlin | Oxford Summer School on Open Research 2020 Berlin, Germany (will be conducted online due to COVID-19 pandemic) |
2020, July 2-3 | Workshop: Niche Construction and Other Mechanisms in Ecology & Evolution Bielefeld University, Germany (held online due to COVID-19 pandemic) |
2020, June 15-17 | Summer School 2020: Philosophy, Science, Antiscience Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia (held online due to COVID-19 pandemic) |
2020, February 4-5 | GRK 2073 Theory Workshop 2020: The Science Thing Vlotho, Germany |
2019, July 15-16 | Workshop: Philosophical perspectives on ecological niches University of Münster, Germany |
2019, June 17-20 | Summer School 2019: Philosophy and Technology Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia |
2019, February 22-23 | Good Academic Practice: Thinking About Responsible Conduct of Research Throughout the University Institute of Philosophy, Leibniz-Universität Hannover, Germany |
2019, February 5-6 | GRK 2073 Theory Workshop 2019: The Review Thing Vlotho, Germany |
2018, September 10-14 | Fifth European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS): Interdisciplinarity in the life sciences and their philosophy Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI), Klosterneuburg, Austria |
2018, February 5-6 | GRK 2073 Theory Workshop 2018: Bias / Socially Engaged Philosophy of Science Rehburg-Loccum, Germany |
2017, December 1 | Workshop: New perspectives on self-deception, biased belief & automatic action Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany |
2017, March 6-10 | Spring School: Social Cognition, Emotion and Joint Action Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany |
2016, August 1-12 | 2016 Summer Institute: Reconceiving and Explaining the Success of Science Basel, Switzerland |
2016, July 24-30 | Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Germany |
2015, July 27-31 | First Interdisciplinary Summer School on Individuality in the Life Sciences: Superorganisms, Organisms and Suborganisms as Biological Individuals Seminarzentrum Gut Siggen, Germany |
2015, June 22-26 | International Interdisciplinary Summer School 2015: Origins of Human Cooperation with Michael Tomasello Forum Scientiarum, University of Tübingen, Germany |
2010, May 17 | Student Bioethics Workshop: Bioethics and Art 9th Lošinj Days of Bioethics, Mali Lošinj, Croatia |
2009, May 18 | Student Bioethics Workshop: Bioethics and Feminism 8th Lošinj Days of Bioethics, Mali Lošinj, Croatia |
2008, June 9 | Student Bioethics Workshop: Health: Pluriperspectival Bioethical Approach 7th Lošinj Days of Bioethics, Mali Lošinj, Croatia |
2019, November 6 | Workshop Contentious Science and Public Policy Bielefeld University, Germany; within the GRK 2073 (co-organized with Saana Jukola and Rui Maia) |
2016, March 21 | Mladi istraživači – perspektive i izazovi [Young researchers – perspectives and challenges] University of Rijeka, Croatia; within the project Building a support system for young researchers |
2015, November 31 – December 1 | Workshop Od neuspješnih projekata do dodjele bespovratnih sredstava [From unsuccessful projects to grant allocation] Rijeka, Croatia |
2014, September 11 | Informative workshop about ESF grant scheme Research grants for professional development of junior and young researchers Zagreb, Croatia |