2020, June 15-17 | Replication crisis and the epistemic authority of science Summer School 2020: Philosophy, Science, Antiscience Institute of philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia (held online due to COVID-19 pandemic) |
2019, July 7-12 | Reproducibility in machine learning: the case of AlphaFold 2019 International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology biennial meeting (ISHPSSB 2019) Oslo, Norway (with Nino Tolić) |
2019, June 26-28 | Vices of virtue-based research ethics Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference 2019 Zagreb, Croatia |
2019, June 17-20 | AlphaFold – black boxing and reproducibility Summer School 2019: Philosophy and Technology Institute of philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia |
2018, June 29 | Publish or perish! What’s EVO got to do with it? Scientific Method: Testing, Experimenting, Controlling Results, Workshop for and with Jutta Schickore Bielefeld University, Germany |
2017, June 5-7 | The Who Question of Autonomous Cars Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference 2017: The Ethics of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Zagreb, Croatia (with Nino Tolić) |
2016, July 24-30 | Climate change as a game with 7.4 billion players Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Germany |
2016, May 24-25 | Cooperation, communication and groups Contemporary Philosophical Issues: Society, Agency and Knowledge Rijeka, Croatia |
2015, November 13 | Tko se boji neizvjesnosti još? Klimatske promjene kao društvena dilema kolektivnog rizika [Who’s afraid of uncertainty? Climate change as a collective-risk social dilemma] Climate justice: perspectives from natural and social sciences; 1st annual conference of the Institute for Political Ecology Zagreb, Croatia |
2015, July 27-31 | Trait-groups and the problem of altruism (research talk) First Interdisciplinary Summer School on Individuality in the Life Sciences: Superorganisms, Organisms and Suborganisms as Biological Individuals Seminarzentrum Gut Siggen, Germany |
2012, August 31 – September 2 | Konfesionalni vjeronauk u javnim školama [Confessional religious education in publicly funded schools] 13th International Philosophy School Felix Romuliana (Secularisation and repoliticisation of religion) Zaječar, Serbia (with Nino Tolić) |
2011, April 6-9 | The King of Quake – is there an avatar in MMOFPS? 5th International Conference The Philosophy of Computer Games Athens, Greece (with Nino Tolić) |
2010, November 25-26 | Prirodni zakoni i istina u biologiji [Laws of nature and truth in biology] Symposium Pitanje o istini u suvremenoj filozofiji i znanosti [Question of truth in contemporary philosophy and science], annual symposium of Croatian Philosophical Society Zagreb, Croatia |
2010, May 16-19 | Does a “human meteor” have a moral duty? 9th Lošinj Days of Bioethics: International Symposium Integrative Bioethics and New Epoch Mali Lošinj, Croatia |
2009, May 18-20 | I reče čovjek: ‘Neka bude svjetlo!’ [And man said: ‘Let there be light!’] 8th Lošinj Days of Bioethics: International Symposium Integrative Bioethics and New Epoch Mali Lošinj, Croatia |
2008, June 9-11 | Hidroelektrana Lešće – lažna dilema [Hydro-electric power plant Lešće – a false dilemma] 7th Lošinj Days of Bioethics: International Symposium Integrative Bioethics and New Epoch Mali Lošinj, Croatia |
2008, June 9 | Povezanost biomedicinske i ekologijske perspective u bioetici V. R. Pottera [The link between the biomedical and ecological perspective in V. R. Potter’s bioethics] 7th Lošinj Days of Bioethics: Student Bioethics Workshop Health: Pluriperspectival Bioethical Approach Mali Lošinj, Croatia |
2020, June 25 | Replication crisis and the advancement of science GRK 2073 Research Colloquium held online due to COVID-19 pandemic |
2020, February 4-5 | Reproducibility in Climate Science GRK 2073 Theory Workshop 2020: The Science Thing Vlotho, Germany (within the group project Climate Models; with Markus Ahlers, Anna Höhl, David Hopf and Jonas Lipski) |
2019, November 5 | Replication crisis and the advancement and trustworthiness of science The Evolution Seminar Faculty of Biology, Bielefeld University, Germany |
2019, October 23 | Replication crisis and the trustworthiness of science GRK 2073 Research Colloquium Bielefeld University, Germany |
2019, February 5-6 | New work in the philosophy of big data biology, based on Leonelli (2016), Data-Centric Biology, UCP GRK 2073 Theory Workshop 2019: The Review Thing Vlotho, Germany (with Stefano Canali and Martin Wasmer) |
2018, September 10-14 | Commentary on the paper by Richard Gawne & James DiFrisco, “Science Communication in the Modern University” Fifth European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS): Interdisciplinarity in the life sciences and their philosophy Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI), Klosterneuburg, Austria |
2018, April 12 | Publish or perish!What’s EVO got to do with it? GRK 2073 Research Colloquium Bielefeld University, Germany |